1. Library cards will be supplied free of charge to the students from class VI to XII. These cards are non – transferable. In case a card is lost, a duplicate card may be obtained on the payment of Rs 50.
2. The students can get the books issued as per follows:-
- Class VI to XII
- One book at a time
3. The books issued are to be properly looked after and returned on the due date.
4. If books are not returned on the due date, a fine of Rs 1 per day will be imposed.
5. The librarian may call for a book at any time, even if the due date has not expired.
6. Absence is no excuse for the delay in return of the books within the due date.
7. In case a book is damaged, misused, wrongly handled or lost, the concerned student will pay double the price of the book.
8. All markings, underlines, annotations or de – facing of books by any means are strictly forbidden. Heavy line shall be levied for violating the rules.
9. Reference books and current magazines and periodicals will not be issued from the library. The students can consult the same during school hours.